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Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a bilateral or multilateral agreement between countries that aims to promote trade and economic cooperation through the elimination or reduction of tariffs and other trade barriers. In simpler terms, it is a pact that allows goods and services to be traded between countries with minimum restrictions or taxes.

In recent years, FTAs have gained popularity among countries that seek to boost their economic growth and increase their global presence. In fact, many countries have already signed FTAs with other nations, including the United States, China, Canada, Australia, and Japan, among others.

The main goal of FTAs is to improve the flow of goods and services between two or more countries by eliminating or reducing the barriers that hinder trade. These barriers can be in the form of tariffs, quotas, and other trade restrictions.

Under an FTA, countries can trade without paying tariffs or taxes on goods and services that are included in the agreement. This removes barriers to trade and encourages more trade between countries. It also encourages investment by foreign companies and provides consumers with access to cheaper goods and services.

FTAs also increase competition among businesses and can lead to innovation and more efficient production processes. This is because companies are forced to compete with foreign companies that are able to offer similar products or services at a lower cost.

However, FTAs have their drawbacks. They can lead to job losses in certain industries when companies move production to countries where labor costs are lower. This is often the case in the manufacturing sector, where companies move production to countries with cheaper labor costs.

Furthermore, FTAs can also lead to a loss of sovereignty for countries as they are often required to comply with certain regulations and standards set by the other countries in the agreement. This can limit a country`s ability to pass laws that are in the best interest of their citizens.

In conclusion, FTAs are a trade agreement between two or more countries that allows for the free trade of goods and services. While there are many benefits to FTAs, such as increased trade and competition, there are also some drawbacks to consider. It is important for countries to carefully consider the potential impact of signing an FTA before making a decision.