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Agreement on Conservation of Polar Bears

The Parties continue to consult with a view to providing additional protection to polar bears. A mid-term review of the ten-year circumpolar action plan will be completed in January 2020 and the results and recommendations of the mid-term review will be...

Agreement in Statement

For example, Engine Yard uses the Clickwrap agreement with the I agree: Statement agree to minimum expectations under Article III, Section III and NIC standards under Article III, Section VI of the IFC Constitution. When creating a document such as a job...

Agreement Effective Date Last Signed

Sometimes the parties use the effective date to refer to a future date on which either agreement comes into force. For example, the following is taken from a January 2004 employment contract and presumably refers to the date on which the employee will...

Agreed Statement of Facts Template

Negotiating the agreed facts is as simple as creating one and going back and forth with opposing lawyers until as many commonalities as possible are covered. An agreed statement of facts can range from a single sentence to a few paragraphs to several...

Advance Pricing Agreement Luxembourg

There is no coordination between the ABS process and the Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAP). In practice, however, the Economic Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for the MAP and the LTA responsible for the APA could cooperate if...